OWL DUDES * for the feelers* www.ailimaf.com


Not a peep has been heard from the collaborative bettwix myself and Paul Wig for almost two years… A surprise to us all finds a new banger in the truest sense being released this month FREE to the public by the Barcelona/London based net label www.ailimaf.com. This is a record that sat 90% unfinished for about a year. consists of live recordings of battery powered street jams, studio mashups/experiments, and the usual anything goes if its got soul OD aesthetic.

Its a very searing 14: 29 seconds and stays vital in its urgency and its all out verbal assult and straight-up bangingness .. ((is that a word??)) If anything this recording needed two years of human evolution to catch up to its sonic relevance!

ccccccCHECK IT ++++++++++ (shits free yo!…)–click>>>((((( www.ailimaf.com)))))


One thought on “..NeW OWL DUDeS..

  1. “If anything this recording needed two years of human evolution to catch up to its sonic relevance!”

    that phrase should be in the bible.